Facing my Fears

Ocean with Rocks

I have wanted to start this blog for quite a few months at this point. I find myself overthinking on what to write about, what style, how often should I post, etc. This is a place I find familiar with both professional and personal projects throughout life. Analysis paralysis, we often call this in the psychology world. 

My intentions with this blog are to serve a few purposes. One, to allow new or potential clients a window into what my “voice” sounds like. Two, another route to stay connected with current and former clients. The third reason is to share with those that I may never be in session with but might connect or relate with what I write about. 

That being said, this is also an opportunity for me to challenge my own perfectionism. This blog will not be polished or shiny; it may be messy with a couple run-on sentences and grammar mistakes. And that’s okay. My purpose with this blog is to connect with you, my reader, and that requires me to be authentic.

It is my hope that in my efforts to be vulnerable enough to be myself, flaws and all, you can relate to me on some level, receive some support and inspire self-reflection. Perhaps these experiences will spark conversation with others. That’s my wish, as I share with you…my very first blog post! I also plan to include a recent nature photo I’e taken with each entry just as some accountability to share something that brings me joy with you as this is one of my pleasurable activities.

In addition, I will be sharing a recommended resource relating to the content of each of my blogs. This time around, I’d like to recommend a TED talk by Brené Brown, who has done very meaningful research on vulnerability in connection to mental health. She has awesome books out as well. Watch her TED talk here:
